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Feline Obesity #1 Killer


Feline Obesity
Feline Obesity is a big problem with indoor cats.

Mitch enteringOne of the main goals at MeowSpace® is to make life more joyful for cats and cat owners alike. Putting a MeowSpace® to use in your household will improve your cats’ health, and your relationship with them (and often your relationship with all the other humans in the house as well). The MeowSpace® has been endorsed by Hill’s Pet Nutrition in their newest feeding brochure, by other MeowSpace® users, and by top veterinarians in North America.

With that in mind, I want to talk a bit about the problem of what many vets are now calling the “#1 killer of indoor cats.” Obesity causes feline diabetes, kidney disease, arthritis, and a whole list of other problems.

Feline obesity depletes the quality of life, and can reduce the lifespan of your cat, even
if she is only moderately obese. Most areas of your kitty’s body are affected by
unnecessary fat, including the joints, organs (including the kidneys, bladder, liver,
heart, lungs), anal glands, and overall emotional well-being (as the result of the inability to maintain their own hygiene).

Though we may think our fat cats are cute and funny, they are suffering physically, mentally, and emotionally. Indoor cats have the greatest incidence of obesity for several reasons, mainly due to exercise and dietary challenges.


Though there are medical reasons a cat may hang on to excess fat, the primary problem in indoor cats is overfeeding and lack of exercise. There are some great ideas floating around the internet for exercising your indoor cat. The problem of overfeeding may have several challenges.

1) You must try to monitor or police your fat cat to keep him from eating the other cats’ food, but
you can’t do that all day long.
2) Your fat cat is a bully.
3) You have one or more cats that free feed with no problem, but your fat cat overeats. To keep your other cats fed, you must put 3X the amount of food down while you are at work or away from your home, and at that, your fat cat eats most of it


1) You punish (squirt water, throw things, yell, confine to a cage or room) the fat cat
when she is eating the food of another cat.
2) You try placing the food somewhere where your fat cat can’t get to it, such as on a
kitchen counter or in a closet with the door open only wide enough for your other cats to get through; but as she loses the excess weight, that ceases to work.
3) You try to schedule-feed your cats altogether, twice a day. Your obese feline eats it all at once as intended, but your free-feeders will only nibble a little, and ultimately, they either end up underfed, or you go back to setting out the food again all day and fatty gets fatter.


With a MeowSpace® your policing attempts are completely eliminated. Feeding your cat properly in a multiple-pet home becomes a breeze. You feed your fat cat the amount she should have. You put the other cat’s food in the MeowSpace®, and they are the only ones with an access device. They eat when they want to, and your fat cat cannot get to the food. Food problem solved.
*Talk with your vet about your cat’s nutritional needs.


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